What to do in Ithaca, NY
We are lucky enough to have two very dear friends that live in Ithaca and invite us to visit them regularly! Here are a few of my favorite activities:
Boating! Ithaca sits on Cayuga Lake, which is the longest lake in the finger lake region so get thyself on the water. You can even boat to wineries!

Visit the wineries. I am not a huge fan of finger lake wines; they are a bit too sweet for me, but I really enjoyed the Rose at Sheldrake Point. If you are a sweet wine lover, this area is known for top-notch Riesling’s

And while you are at it….stop at some breweries! We liked the Wagner Valley Brewing Company.

Next up, burn off all those drinks by hiking! I loved the four-mile round trip hike at Robert Treman State Park. You can hike to Enfield Falls, where you jump off a diving board right into the base of the waterfall!!! So fun! (You can also cheat and just drive to the waterfall, but the hike is beautiful, and it’s totally worth taking the scenic route.) Dogs are allowed on the trail, but not in the swimming area.

Lastly, SHOP! Ithaca is home to the Mackenzie Childs factory and retail store. If you visit in July, you might be lucky enough to go to the barn sale. It is crowded, and you have to wait in a long line just to get in, so go early! I promise it is worth it!!

Childfree Legend:
👶 – The best of child-free locations – No kids allowed!!
👶👶 – Kids allowed, but there are adult areas or not many children present.
👶👶👶 – Children are present.
👶👶👶👶 – DANGER ZONE – Too many kids to be enjoyable
Ranking – 👶👶
We stayed with friend’s who did not have kids, and went to wineries! (PSA: Please don’t bring your children to a winery)
Let me know if you visit Ithaca, NY!!!!