Childfree By Choice

I am childfree by choice – What does that mean??

My husband and I made the conscious decision not to have kids –Trust me when I say this was not an easy choice to come to.  (For the record, I reserve the right to change my mind, but I don’t see that happening).

Guess what?! You don’t have to have kids if you don’t want them. There. I said it. Your family may not like it, society frowns upon it, and a child does not protect against loneliness as you age.  The decision to have a child is yours and yours alone.

I don’t want kids. It is not the same as not being able to have kids. It is a firm choice to stay child-free simply because I want to.  

So, do I regret it? Nope, and neither does my husband. Every year we would tell each other maybe next year, we will at least try. The years came and gone until finally, we stopped lying to ourselves. “Next year” was never going to be the year.  We just love our lives exactly as they are and see no need to change them. I actually mourn at the thought of not having the freedom of time, travel, and just about anything else I want to do and the extra $$ to do it.

I would never try to tell you what to do, but if you are on the fence…may I just say that child-free is actually the best??? Shhhh… you’re not supposed to know that! I am not ‘supposed’ to say it! I feel like I am letting you in on a deep, dark secret!!!

As you read through my articles, you will notice the Childfree Friendly Legend. I rank places by how childfree friendly they are versus family-friendly!  Even if you have kids, you may find this helpful if you need an adults-only retreat!

👶 – The best of child-free locations – No kids allowed!! 
👶👶 –  Kids allowed, but there are adult areas or not many children present.
👶👶👶 – Children are present.
👶👶👶👶 – DANGER ZONE – Too many kids to be enjoyable!
